Gone, but NEVER forgotten!
You really have to get a dog's point of view! My name is "Jock" and I am a Siberian Husky. My sister "Lolly" (she's a Rotty) and I always stay with Aunty Tina and Uncle Garry when Mum and Dad go away. Yamba Kennels is our home away from home! "Jock" - Townsend, NSW (Truly a prince, Jockie - we'll miss you, Love Aunty Tina and Uncle Garry)
Awesome place, awesome people! I wouldn't take my baby "Lolly" (two year old Rottweiler) anywhere else! Alisha - Townsend, NSW (Your time amongst us was far too short Loll. Sleep well, Love Tina & Garry)
Hi everyone. My name is "Mush" and I'm a Siberian Husky. When my owners Phil and Jane go away, they always send me to Garry and Tina for a holiday. Once there, I am well looked after and have a good time. I recommend Yamba Boarding Kennels to all other dogs and cats (Tina thinks I'm human, too!) "Mush" - Ilkua, NSW (Passed away in his sleep on 14/03/08 - we'll miss you "Mushmouse", Love Tina & Garry)
When our car turns into School Road, "Salty" our Border Collie, who normally lies quietly in the car, starts wagging her tail. She grins as she looks at us expectantly. She then has her paws up on the window, gets fidgety, and starts her excited snuffling as we drive down the road. By the time we turn into Yamba Kennels, "Salty" can hardly be contained. She bounds out of the car and into the arms of Tina! When we collect "Salty" from the kennels, she is always well groomed, smells like a field of flowers and has obviously been well looked after. The extras that Tina gives are quite extraordinary, including visiting "Salty" at home, genuinely caring about "Salty's" welfare, offering advice and giving "Salty" a smart looking collar. Yamba Boarding Kennels & Cattery gives us super service. We consider Garry and Tina our friends, and if my dog is happy, then I'm happy! Kaye - Angourie, NSW (I'm going to miss our walks, my girl, Love Tina)
Before arriving to live in Yamba, my husband Peter and myself had never needed the services of a boarding cattery as we always had family at home to look after our three, much loved puss-cats. Upon arriving in Yamba, "Trixie", "Studdlie" and "Bernie" were the only family left living at home, so it was with great trepidation that we decided to take out first holiday and use Yamba Boarding Kennels & Cattery. It was certainly the right choice! Aunty Tina and Uncle Garry (as they are known at home) are the most loving and caring animal people you could wish to meet. The rooms our cats stayed in were very clean, and the cats looked a million dollars when they came home, from all the brushing they has received. It made me feel guilty that I didnt devote as much time to them. In 2005 we were unfortunate enough to lose "Trixie" and "Studdlie". Aunty Tina actually came around to our house and sat with us, and whispered special words to "Trixie", "Studdlie" and "Bernie" leading up to their last appointment at the vet. She is certainly a special person when it comes to animals. Jan & Peter - Yamba, NSW (R.I.P. you three - we'll miss you heaps, Love Tina & Garry)
"Dumpy" and "Priscilla" both have special needs and medications, and return home happy and healthy each time they visit Yamba Kennels. As soon as we mention "going to the kennels" and get out her travelling crate, "Dumpy" has her toys in it and won't leave it until we go. This shows us that she is happy to go to the kennel, and if she is happy - so are we! Priscilla was also well cared for, right up to her last day (she is buried there). Tina and Garry were discreet and extremely empathetic, and handled "Priscilla's" demise with great kindness. Bob & Von - Banora Point, NSW (Don't wake the neighbours in heaven, Grandma!! Love Tina & Garry)
G'day Tina & Garry.......Here is a short story on our late husky, Oscar.
This is our boy Oscar who passed away a couple of years ago now. He was a silver grey male who was born locally here in the Clarence Valley by a local breeder.
He had three young kids to keep him occupied and he & the kids went everywhere together.
We lost him 1 month from his 14th birthday.
He simply died of old age,which showed the great life he had with us.
RIP Oscar, we will never forget you. The Goldie Family - Gulmarrad, NSW
(We will miss you too, Oscar - you handsome man! Love Tina & Garry)
October 2017 to January 2018 - more than 30 of you crossed the Rainbow Bridge!!
In memory of ALL the customers (dogs and cats) who passed away during this time:-
Time finally caught up with us .... We (Garry & Tina) have been here since July 2000.
We knew most of you since you were puppies or kittens. The rest of you we knew for many years.
To be told of so many losses during a 3 month period, was one of the most traumatic, harrowing and heart-wrenching chapters of our lives.
We loved you as much as your mums & dads loved you.
Each of you was very special & we will miss everyone of you very, very much. xx